Wednesday, 6 July 2011


To us, here at t leaf T, tea is a whirlwind romance that sweeps you up and takes you away from your troubles, it is a fine friend, the perfect accompaniment to a hearty novel of despair and adventure, a way of life. In South America they drink Mate to revive, in South Africa Rooibos is enjoyed for its smooth and sweet flavour. Green tea was shared among lovers and enemies in ancient Japan and China; And the brotherhood of black teas from India boast character that varies from the rich and malty Assam to the light and fruity 'champagne of teas;' Darjeeling. Let us delight in the wonderful world of tea and pay homage to a loyal companion that has provided solace from the tiresome woes of our human lives for centuries. I leave you with an old Japanese proverb which proclaims: “If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty.” It's not just a hot beverage it's a lifestyle man. Until next time tea geeks, I bid you, adieu!