Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Daily Rou-TEA-ne:

Before breakfast
I start the day with a cleansing herbal tea. My pick at the moment is t leaf's Fountain of youth; with nettle leaves and ginko to invigorate the body and mind.

Breakfast time
Strong black tea with milk and a sugar. Can't go past my old faithful Namdang bp, an Assam estate tea of superior strength and character to any black tea I have encountered. It is rich and bold and handsome. Perfect with a splash of milk and spoonful of sugar to bring out malt and honey tones.

Morning tea
Earl Grey all the way. T leaf's Earl Grey excelsior is a blend of superior Yunnan, Ceylon and Keemun Teas. With the essential oil of bergamot it is less floral and more robust. This tea is like your favourite Grandpa Earl; Comforting, smooth, dapper, and full of wisdom and wit. Perfect with a scone and a hearty conversation.

Post Morning Tea
White Tea time: Jasmine Silver Tip is my absolute fave at the moment. When you brew it in a glass tea pot you can see the gorgeous, golden, champagne coloured hue it produces. It is smooth and sexy and the fragrance of sweet jasmine in the cup takes me away to my happy place. (A secret garden in full bloom with an entrance way draped in flowering Jasmine vines.) White tea is lower in caffeine and full of antioxidant goodness so it keeps my skin all glowy and spot free.

Lunch time
Organic Peppermint leaves.Sweet, refreshing, and soothing. Nuff said

Post Lunchtime
Being the green tea enthusiast that I am, I can't go past the japanese greens. At the moment i'm jammin out with the Gyokuro Kabuse. The leaves are so green, and the colour in the brew is so green and the flavour is so fresh and zingy and sweet and nutty and smooth and exquisite! You know those antioxidants are boosting your metabolism therefore enhancing your brain function therefore jump starting your mojo after lunch.

Afternoon Tea
Back to black. Something sweet and fulfilling to curb the chocolate craving; Oh heck, to go with the chocolate you have just bought to fulfil your craving! I am loving black tea with vanilla, or black tea with cinnamon, or if i'm feeling really frivolous i'll mix the two together and have a cinny-vanilly black tea with a dash of milk and a scoop of sugar. Afternoon bliss.

After work tea
Always nice to have a cup of tea and a debrief with the flatmates after work. Monks blend is currently reigning supreme as the household favourite and fail safe crowd pleaser. Black and green tea blended together with jasmine, vanilla, and bergamot there is nothing quite like it. As Coco once famously said: “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” Go Monks Blend, work it girlfriend!

After Dinner Tea
Rooibos is perfect after dinner: No caffeine, relaxing, naturally sweet and comes in all sorts of delicious flavours. My fave at the moment is red baron chai. Spicy goodness. Or, if i'm feeling like a sweetie i'll go for coconut rough, a chocolate and coconut rooibos delight!

Bedtime Tea:
Restful. A darling herbal blend with vervain, (a natural sedative) rose buds, lavender, chamomile and peach. Basically the kind of gorgeous woman you could take to bed every night and enjoy to the fullest. She will give you the best sleep of your life. ;)

There we have it tea geeks. My daily rou-TEA-ne. What is yours? Yes I do drink at least 10 cups of tea each day and yes my life does revolve around cups of tea. And my day is full and warm and lived well. If life doesn't hand me a great romance I have a faithful companian in my teapot.

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